The people equation: the one secret to productive AI conversations that you might be missing
People need to feel like they’re the drivers of change for implementing AI, rather than individuals simply impacted by change.
People need to feel like they’re the drivers of change for implementing AI, rather than individuals simply impacted by change.
In this article, we compiled a list of five frequently asked questions that you’re bound to confront on your AI ascent.
We ask Sylvia Klasovec Kingsmill of KPMG six essential questions on the topics of risk, data, intelligent partnerships and more.
Insights for product managers, analysts and data scientists focused on championing AI for behaviour change within their organizations.
We get down to the nitty gritty with Yanping Lu, who gave us a behind-the-scenes look at what her life as an NLU research scientist.
In this blog, we help demystify what goes into the data annotation process, an integral piece in creating effective machine learning and AI.
Nicolas Simard describes his role at Stradigi AI the jump from the ivory tower to the skyscraper may be more rewarding than one might expect.
Beyond adaptability there are a few key principles we’ve noticed while working at Stradigi AI that would apply across nearly all businesses.
Underlying business fundamentals are the same across all applications and having a roadmap for your AI journey is imperative to success.
In this article, we will explain some exciting applications of computer vision, and give insight into state of the art performance.